The Storm Came

It has been a little while since we have had a big impressive storm take place here in Boise. But when they come through they can pack a punch. I remember a few years ago during a storm where the wind was howling, the rain was pouring down with such a torrent of water and deafening sound, it made you wonder if the trees were going to still be standing in the morning.

It brings to mind a story that was so familiar to me as a child from the book of Luke. I'm not sure about you but sometimes the memories of the Sunday school flannel graph are as clear as day in my minds eye.  

In this story from Luke 2 there was a rock cliff high above a sandy beach with a beautiful ocean view. It was a story of two builders and the location of the houses they were building themselves. Then the teacher, with a lowered voice, would tell how one mans house was destroyed and the other saved, and as the impending doom was about to fall on them, would place the piece of flannel with the tidal wave about to hit the shoreline over the serene ocean. You could almost hear the snapping of timber and the crash of the house.  What can I say, it made an impression.

The story is in Luke chapter 6.

LUKE 6: 46-49
46 “Why do you call me ‘Lord, Lord,’ and not do what I tell you? 47 Everyone who comes to me and hears my words and does them, I will show you what he is like: 48 he is like a man building a house, who dug deep and laid the foundation on the rock. And when a flood arose, the stream broke against that house and could not shake it, because it had been well built. 49 But the one who hears and does not do them is like a man who built a house on the ground without a foundation. When the stream broke against it, immediately it fell, and the ruin of that house was great.”

In thinking about this parable I also thought of some of the coastal lighthouses that are pounded with waves on a daily basis and have been for decades and even centuries. Yet they still stand. I am not talking about a little bit of storm surge or a rogue wave every once in awhile. These lighthouses are out in the ocean all by themselves, and are pounded with waves up to 4 and 5 stories high! I cannot even imagine the force and the sound that these waves must have as they slam into the lighthouse over and over again.

For that matter I cannot understand how they even build the lighthouse to begin with. 
This parable, now more than ever, feels very real too many believers (and to be honest non believers as well) It seems as if there are storms raging all around us on multiple fronts. And everyone, no matter what side of issues we land, is feeling this tension. From disease that swept the planet, to geopolitical tensions. to national politics and the polices that are being (or not being) proposed and passed, inflation, job security, to the deterioration of the family at levels we have never seen and so much more. The list could go on and on.
So with all of this swirling around us what can we learn from this great parable?

The first is this, both builders experienced the exact same situation. They both heard the same words. Verses 47  and 49 make it clear that both builders heard the words of the Lord. Both men apparently were in the same church service. Both had the opportunity to respond the the Lord. Both had a chance to build and set things up well in advance of the storms arrival. Yet both men end up with very different outcomes when the storm came and the waters rose.

The reality is the storms will come. We will not escape the storms of life this side of heaven. The Lord never promises us a care free, easy life completely free of conflict, stress, trials and heartache. But he does promise us a life that can be lived to the full, and lived with abundance. It is often said the richest men in the world are some of the most miserable.  I hate to break it to you, but the “Life to the full” Jesus is talking about, is not necessarily defined the same way the American idea of “Life to the Full” is.

Some of the most miserable people I know are some of the richest people in America, they are the most miserable individuals I’ve ever seen.      — Chuck Norris

Yup, I just quoted Chuck Norris.

The sad truth is that many people are living miserable lives chasing hard after more and more ____________, (the blank can be filled with anything, and it is different for every person) Rich and poor alike.  Their money and things will not define them when it is all said and done. And for many lost people that is the quest that they are on. One where they find purpose, hope, peace, love, and security. Especially in uncertain times. Their wealth may help them survive a storm from a supply and monetary standpoint. But at the end of it all, the question before us is this:

Where is our hope anchored?

Where is our trust secured?

Is it in our finances? Is it in our 401k? is it in our Americanism? Is it in our government? Is it in our Job? Is it in our social media standing? Is it in how many people are following us? is it in our stuff? Is it in our kids? Our reputation? Our pleasures being met in every way known or desired?

Our, our, our. Me, Me Me

The list could go on and on. There are so many things that we anchor our hope to. And many of them are not bad evil things in and of themselves but when the storms of life come what is it that we find our selves clinging to. Where do we run? In 1929 many people showed in a very public and sad way where their hope lay as they jumped from windows of sky rise buildings in New York as the stock market crashed. They had built their house on the sand. The financial crisis came and as scripture says, “..and the ruin of that house was great.”

Christ is telling us we have to be more than simply hearers of the word. We have go a step further. when we move past simple intellectual assent we move into action. It’s as they say, where the rubber meets the road. Jesus in this parable shows that after hearing the word of the Lord the two builders did two very different things. One put the words into their life. They put them into practice. They other heard them, nodded, and then went about their life as they saw fit.

47 Everyone who comes to me and hears my words and does them, I will show you what he is like: ….

49 But the one who hears and does not do them is like……..

What will you do with the gospel?

What will you do with Jesus?

The second thing I want you consider form this story transitions from the first. You see, the picture that I got of this story was somewhat incorrect as a child. I have always had a mental picture of this story in the same fashion as the flannel graph I was shown in elementary school. With the wise man high on the rock with his house practically carved into the cliff high above the waves and the foolish builders house built below on the sandy shores only feet away from the waters edge.

In hindsight the image I was given was of the guy up on the rock looking down on the fool below. It (albeit subtly) creates this I am better than you elitist mindset. I am more right than you. I am smarter than you.

In real estate they its all about location location location. In a sense the wise man was smarter than the fool. But it was not because he got the view lot on the cliff while the foolish man got the cheap lot in then canyon.  Not at all. It came down to how each chose to build the foundation. I absolutely LOVED reading this story this week. It was as if it popped off the page fresh and new, almost as if I were reading if for the first time.

Did you catch what I did?

The implication is that both men were building on very similar lots. Both men had the same elements  to contend with. Both men had the same storm assault their front door. Both men heard the same messages even. But what does v. 48 say?

48 he is like a man building a house, who dug deep and laid the foundation on the rock. And when a flood arose, the stream broke against that house and could not shake it, because it had been well built.

He dug deep

He laid a foundation

His house was stable and secure.

His house was prepared for the storm that was coming. It was not a matter of if but a matter of when.

And when those waters rose, and the storm came it withstood it all. It would not be shaken, because it was well built.

I fear that many in America (and truly around the world) have built very unstable houses. The foundation that they thought would hold true is currently shaking and crumbling before their eyes.
I want to encourage you today with good news. It is not too late to begin to build your house on the rock. It is not too late to begin to dig deep and lay foundation stones in your life. A foundation that will not only be for your life but will be a foundation that will have the potential to be a foundation in the life of your family for generations to come.

Corona Virus has been a storm for many people around the world. But it has also caused many people to take  long look what foundations have been laid in their lives. If you would like to begin building a foundation in your life like the one the wise man built I encourage you to first to put your trust in Christ.  You can find out about how to do that in a very simple way here on our website.
If you made that decision we ask that you reach out to us here at CityHope by emailing us about your decision  at We would love to be a help to you as you start your new life in Christ

As you begin to lay new and deeper foundations, I encourage you to read through the psalms and proverbs with us during this season.


1. Where in your life have you settled on "building your house on the sand" and where in your life have you made the intentional decision to "build your house on the rock"?

2. How can you begin "Rebuilding" areas of our life on the rock?

3. What will you do with the gospel?  What will you do with Jesus? (Have you done anything with the gospel and with Jesus in your life? if not what is holding you back?)

4. What can you start doing today differently in you life that will prepare you for the next "storm" that may come in your life? Where does construction need to begin/begin again in your life?

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KT - August 24th, 2023 at 7:41am

This is beautiful. ❤️

- August 24th, 2023 at 2:55pm

I am really glad to hear that you were encouraged by it. Praying that the Lord meets you in whatever storm you may be facing right now.